We’re pleased to offer the following services at Eighth Street Veterinary Care

Specializing in Preventive Care

  • Small Animal Medicine and Surgical Care
  • We Are Accepting New Patients
  • Prescription Diets
  • Weight Management Program
  • Microchipping

Keeping Your Pet Healthy
One of the most important choices you can make to keep your pet healthy is to provide preventive care. Your veterinarian can help in many ways, beginning with a thorough physical examination. A relatively young, healthy pet should be seen at least once annually; an older pet or one with chronic problems will need to be examined more frequently. Although recent advances in veterinary medicine offers your pet the highest quality health care ever, the best advice is to prevent disease from occurring in the first place.

During your pet’s examination, the doctor will check for common conditions such as internal or external parasites, skin disorders, disorders of the eyes, ears, or teeth, and heart conditions. Your doctor will advise you on care for any detected problems in your pet, and counsel you on vaccinations, surgical alteration, and behavioral issues. Take this time to ask any questions you may have about your pet’s health care.

Payment Options
We accept all major credit cards as well as CareCredit. If you have any questions about payment, please feel free to reach out to us today. You can also learn more about CareCredit by clicking here.

Please call our office if there are any questions you have regarding your pet’s care. We are very happy you have chosen us for your pet’s health care and look forward to serving you. Thank you!